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capabilities – Marketing
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MyBioGate’s professional knowledge of the healthcare and capital markets in China allow us to develop marketing plans that appeal to your target audience. We help our clients connect to real opportunities that advance their business with our thousands of followers on our social media platforms, website, and extended partner networks.
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Online Pitch from your own computer
Our MyBioGate Video Pitch allows you to reach over 500 verified investors in China who are looking to invest in innovative healthcare projects. Present, connect, and discuss business opportunities online with potential investors and business partners.
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a more vivid way to introduce your company and yourself
The MyBioGate CEO Interview generates direct interest among investors through its storytelling format and help investors see the full value of the investment opportunity. We interview and feature projects, founding teams, innovators, industry leaders, influencers, and CEOs, for presentation to our audiences in China.
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RPP: The miracle of reproduction in the placenta
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The head of the Stanford Department of Genetics builds the world’s largest database of autoimmune diseases, which has reached cooperation with Celgene
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Elsius: The world’s top artificial heart and lungs (ECMO), miracles for life
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Meet investors in person
We plan and organize roadshows for our clients to meet with potential investors in China, since meeting in person is the best way to build a relationship, trust, and begin serious business conversations. It is also the best way to identify serious and capable investors. To prepare for a successful roadshow, we prepare a full packet in Chinese, promote your company through our platforms and partner networks, and screen potential investors.
We also organize roadshows of small groups of 5 to 10 companies to help you find your footing and have a place to start, without having to worry about any logistics. Within the group roadshows, we connect you with investors through private pitch events and major medtech, biotech, and pharma conferences.
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Communicating your vision in Investors’ language
We prepare a packet for investors that is more than a translation of your brief, but a full communication of your technology and vision. The packet facilitates funding and business development for your company and can be provided in non-confidential or confidential versions.
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Office: Beijing, Nanjing, Xi’an
Network: Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Tianjin, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Cheng du.
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